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Tokyo, Japan

New Residential Quarters。読みは「ニュー・レジデンシャル・クォーターズ=新興住宅地」。略して「NRQ」。2007年に吉田悠樹と牧野琢磨のデュオとして活動開始。08年に服部将典が参加。中尾勘二にも参加を依頼、現在は4人。今後もこの4人。

New Residential Quarters=NRQ started in 2007 as a duo of Yuki Yoshida and Takuma Makino. In 2008, Masanori Hattori joined the band, and then Kanji Nakao was asked to join, and now there are four members. And will continue to be four in the future.